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Writer's pictureKenneth Schmitt

What Can Happen without Limitations

If we are interested in resolving our limitations, so that we can be completely free in every way, it is possible by intentionally being positive in every way. It is training our perceptions to be aware of positive energy everywhere. It is all present in our consciousness, awaiting our awareness and expectation in complete confidence. To make this expansion possible, we need to adjust our polarity to completely positive.

The ego consciousness is not helpful with this change, because the ego feels vulnerable. All of its limitations prevent it from being mostly positive. It cannot exist without fear. This change in polarity is a radical change in our perspective and needs our intuitive guidance. We can train ourselves to be able to control and call forth our emotions and thoughts and just be present awareness. This is what mastery requires.

Being positive entails feeling confident and at ease in every moment. Any threats from negative entities have no effect, because we’re no longer attracted to negative polarity, and they cannot become positive. We are beyond their dimensional veil. This is the reason that the jump to completely positive is such a challenge. The ego does not want to let go of control, even though it has no real choice, because we are the masters of our ego, which has no higher consciousness.

As we resolve our limiting beliefs about ourselves, our ego dissolves, because it consists of our limiting beliefs. Without limiting beliefs, we are able to create everything we need, and everything our heart desires, because we hold no negative energy to defeat our creativity. We become free to express the energy of our heart and thoroughly enjoy being human in a completely loving and joyful way.

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