Conscious Expansion
Kenneth Schmitt
The author and designer of this site is Kenneth Schmitt. The images are scenes I've photographed on my home island of Maui, Hawaii.
Since early childhood, I’ve had a deep understanding of life, which got me into many embarrassing situations with authority figures who did not have the same understanding. Since childhood, I’ve tempered myself and now use my intuition to deepen my understanding for myself and those who may choose to read what I write about life.
Much of my writing is an attempt to express feelings and experiences that cannot be accurately spoken of, and that symbolize realities that interpenetrate our dimension of spacetime, but that are unknown in much of human consciousness. These energetic expressions can be known by any of us who desire to pursue such experiences.
By becoming aware of deep intuition and inner guidance, I’ve found that I can create a magical and wondrous life. We are expressions of the consciousness that creates everything, and our potential is beyond our imagination. When we open our awareness to the desires of the heart of our Being, we can have unlimited creative ability. Although this ability has been hidden from us, because we have been taught false beliefs about who we are, we can retrain ourselves and open our awareness to living in alignment with the consciousness of the Creator of all.
My understanding of the Master Teachings of Jesus depends on their vibratory level and polarity. They resonate with creative support for the enhancement of all life. These cannot be determined by councils of men, such as the Council of Bishops in 325, when Christianity was transformed into the State Religion of Rome and given the Bible. Because essential truth is shared within all of us, and is accessible in intuition, there is no deception here. We can know the true teachings of Jesus and all the masters in our own inner knowing.
My Quantum Energetics and Spirituality books indicate that when we are completely in alignment with the heart of our Being, each of us is a non-localized eternal presence of awareness with infinite creative power, incarnated in physicality to experience what would be impossible outside of the containment of consciousness that we have designed and are living within. I have been shown how to recognize, accept, resolve and transcend this condition, opening our awareness to a greater reality.
All of the ideas presented have come through my intuition and life experiences. While spending years wandering through the wilderness, I often dropped into deep meditation and zero-point consciousness. Listening to the sounds and observing the wonders of nature, I’ve learned to attune to the resonance of the Spirit of the Earth and understand the workings of life. It is my intention that my understanding may be helpful to others on the spiritual path.

Ken Schmitt enjoying the rainforest, Maui
My Vision of Our Destiny
We can willfully intend to be always in gratitude and filled with divine energy and vitality!
In our essence of Being, we are pure awareness, and we can be constantly in gratitude and joy, knowing that We Are fractals of the Infinite One, endowed with infinite love and creative ability. Through our heart-energy, we participate in the One Consciousness of the Creator and have access to the infinity of All. In love and compassion, we can encounter all beings. All of our actions can be initiated by our conscious Self-awareness in the heart of our Being. It can be our conscious intent through our intuitive knowing to see the light of the Creator in everyone and to be our glowing, high-vibratory Self. When aligned with Divine intent, our powers of realization are unlimited.
Here is our journey in consciousness, as I have come to know it.
We are learning the best use of free will in order to be responsible creators. We may impose nothing on another. Our ego is also learning to be aligned with our true, essential Self, whom we intuitively are, through our heart-energy. We can move beyond making unsolicited projections toward others, especially anything that is judgmental or superior. We can live in the radiance of our heart, releasing all attention to anything that distracts from our awareness of the Presence of our Higher Self, feeling the energy spectrum of unconditional love and joy. Anything that interferes with our heart-energy awareness will fall away from our consciousness, as we withdraw our life force from it through our intentional alignment with our heart.
Knowing deeply that we are in essence the divine One, we can honor all thoughts and feelings of our heart- consciousness. Our knowing is through our sensitivity and intuitive awareness. This is Self-Realization. In this process We are inviting our innate consciousness to release all boundaries enclosing or blocking the awareness of our deepest being. Our mind can rest joyfully in our Self-Awareness, until there is a request for our attention to act or transform something. Our ego mind can be silent until called upon. All of our projected thoughts and emotions are creative, manifesting in the dimension of our conscious awareness. We are learning to be cautious with our projections, taking care that they embody only heart-energy intent.
Our creations may begin with an imaginary vision, music or feeling and continue into a joyous experience. We can enjoy imagining and feeling our creations. Past experiences do not need our attention. We can intend to create only new experiences. We can live in our imagination, knowing that whatever we imagine and feel will be an experience of that polarity and frequency. As we become more centered in our heart energy, our creations become more powerful and immediate. We are creating a new world in alignment with the divine intent of life-enhancement. Creations in this frequency octave of energy appear with miracles and wonders in the world of duality. In the positive, higher frequencies there are no limitations. We may project our creative imagination into manifesting all the desires of our heart-energy. We can be immune to any aggression from darkness, because We are in a positive, higher-frequency band of consciousness. We can be in a different polarity and octave of frequency from darkness and be invisible to it. Beings can perceive only what they believe to be real. Through the love in our heart, we can merge with the Light into a realm of greatly expanded conscious awareness in deepest love. Our essence is infinite and our Presence of Awareness is eternal.
In our encounters with others, we can be aware of their needs and desires while sending them heartfelt love and compassion. We are multidimensional, living in the physical, as well as purely energetic realms. Our interest can be utilizing extraordinary talents and abilities to expand our awareness continuously in ever deeper love and joy.
We can invite our guides and angels to be in our presence, where we honor them with our attention. We can intend that our intuitive abilities be enhanced, and our inner eye to be always open.