On the path to higher consciousness, we are challenged to conquer fear of the unknown. The essence of the unknown can be known without actually experiencing it. If we can assume that there are different octaves of vibrations beyond our human awareness, we can open our awareness to them by imagining the quality of their energetics and aligning ourselves with them. We get better at this with practice, until we can realize an elevated perspective of life-enhancement, with unconditional acceptance and love in every circumstance. In the face of life-enhancement, fear of the unknown disappears.
Once we can recognize the clues that we have about the nature of our reality, we can understand the necessity of energetic alignment with life-enhancement. One clue is how we truly feel about anything. If we decide, in every situation, to feel only acceptance and love for everyone, including the psychopaths, with practice, we can do it. It carries us into experiences that elicit gratitude and joy in us.
Because our life-force has no fear, we had to create the force of degradation with our imagination and make it self-destructive. Since it is closed off from heart-consciousness, it requires our life-force for its existence, which we give it through our attention and alignment. Since it does not naturally receive the life-force that enlivens all conscious beings, negative energy must be parasitic in order to exist. We can stop feeding it our life-force by paying attention to what we love and desire. These qualities have divine life-force, enhancing our own, and they require our alignment of frequency and polarity in the workings of our imagination and emotions. There’s also a deeper knowing that we can realize beyond language. It becomes part of our wisdom.
By paying attention, as much as we allow ourselves, to our deepest knowing and feeling, when we also imagine being in gratitude in scenarios of every kind, we keep ourselves in alignment with the energy of our heart-consciousness in the depth of our Being. It is the natural energetic octave of creative life, and it is radiant with all the vibratory expressions that we love and can stay in alignment with, if we allow ourselves. The challenge becomes: how much ecstasy can we endure? Can we allow ourselves to be transformed?
We can release the belief in danger and degradation. Its basis is fear of termination, which it imagines to exist in the unknown. When we are aligned with love and joy, there is only life-enhancement. Only we can change our inner alignment, and we are all free to do so at any time. We can do this by intentionally changing our perspective to one of life-enhancement in every potential scenario, in alignment with unconditional acceptance and gratitude. By our vibratory alignment with this energy, we are in a different vibratory spectrum from life-degradation and do not interact with it. It never touches us. We can change the form and the script of our experiences by our own vibratory essence in how we feel about ourselves.
Although our ego-consciousness holds imaginary fear of termination in the unknown after physical death, the entire reality of our empirical world is imaginary, and it is through our imagination that we realize its energetic patterns. Changing our reality becomes possible by directing our attention and imagination to the energetics we love and desire to feel and experience in our heart-consciousness. In experiencing the unknown, we can expand our awareness of the connection with the vibratory spectrum that we want. We have the ability to recognize any vibratory patterns that we choose to align with and make real for ourselves, including life-enhancing energy. By achieving this state of being personally, we elevate human consciousness through our own vibratory radiance.